Vetted recruiters at the best agencies

We help travel therapists find honest and accountable recruiters at the best staffing agencies, guaranteed to pay you fair and have the jobs you want

Nomadicare helps you...

Get paid fair

Recruiters are guaranteed to pay the most upfront and you can compare your pay to other travelers in your specialty!

Find rare jobs

We get jobs from all the best agencies, so we know which recruiters have the most jobs in your specialty, settings, and locations. 

Avoid common mistakes

Every therapist gets 24/7 email and text support for any questions, concerns, or challenges. Ask us anything about travel therapy! 

Compare travel therapy jobs from vetted recruiters at the best agencies

See where the jobs are and how much they pay for your specialty. Apply when you’re ready and get matched with vetted recruiters who have the jobs you want!

Why we're different


We reject nearly 60% of recruiters, you only get the best of the best


We teach good recruiters how to be the best recruiters


We will remove recruiters if they do not meet our standards

Frequently asked questions

Nomadicare is not a staffing agency. We are a free matchmaking service for finding vetted recruiters who have the jobs you want.

We work with dozens of the best travel therapy agencies so you can compare pay packages from multiple agencies. 

We offer 24/7 email and sms support for all of your travel therapy questions (Housing, Taxes, Licensure, etc).

Tell us your preferred locations, settings, and benefits. We’ll match you with vetted recruiters at the best agencies who have the jobs you want.

We partner with dozens of the best travel therapy staffing agencies, which means we have access to nearly all the jobs out there.

Over the last 10 years we’ve matched over 30,000 therapists! When you’re ready, let us help you find the best recruiters for your travel therapy goals. 

It totally depends! Different agencies have different jobs and benefits! You also want agencies with unique and direct jobs. Through our vetting process we reject 60% of the agencies and recruiters who try to join Nomadicare, meaning you only get the best when you use Nomadicare!

After your match you’ll get an email with the full profile of you recruiter! They’ll be in contact shortly after your match, and your goal is to have a phone call within the first day or two to start planning for your next travel therapy contract!

No hard feelings. No guilt trip. We are here FOR you, the travelers, to truly experience what it feels like to have a recruiter team you really like. Until that happens, please come back and get re-matched. You have unlimited matches! If a recruiter does something wrong we are grateful to know. If we learn a recruiter is breaking any of the Nomadicare Guarantees we will remove them from the list.

100% free. No hidden cost will ever pop up. Many times Nomadicare Travelers get paid more because we have pre-negotiated many perks for you, and we hold the recruiters accountable to paying you the most they can at the first offer. You don’t get that when you find your own recruiters, so it’s almost like we are paying you! 😉

Compare your pay to other travelers and see if you’re getting paid fair

Know when jobs are posted and how much they pay in your preferred locations and settings

Discover which states and settings have the most jobs and highest pay for your specialty

Understand how tax homes work and how to qualify for tax free money

Compare therapy licensure timelines, costs, renewal details, and more

Learn about travel therapy, avoid common mistakes, and see if travel right for you