Know when you're getting paid fair by your recruiter

Understand any pay package in minutes and compare it to other pay packages for your specialty and location.

Know when you're getting paid fair by your recruiter​

Understand any pay package in minutes and compare it to other pay packages for your specialty and location.

Getting paid fair has never been easier and more transparent

Add your pay details and get a full breakdown of your pay package

Discover which areas need negotiation and exactly how much to ask for

Compare your pay with real time data of thousands of pay packages

Frequently asked questions

Knowing if you’re getting paid fair is more than a perk, it’s a requirement at Nomadicare.

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A lot! You’ll receive a pay estimate of your gross, take home, and bend pay rates broken into hourly, weekly, and total earnings. Including how they compare to other pay packages for your specialty and location. As well as which areas of your pay package need negotiation and how much you should ask for.

In addition to that data, we’ll also cover sections of your pay package like extra hour pay, overtime rates, cancellations, guaranteed hours, and so much more!

Nope! Whatever you share with us is between you and Nomadicare. We do not share any of your pay package data with agencies or other travelers. 

You betcha! Not only will your pay breakdown make sure you’re making a fair amount, we’ll help you negotiate if you choose to sign an extension, which is a very common time where travelers forget to negotiate.

Negotiating an hourly increase to cover one time reimbursements can increase your hourly rate on average $2, thats $1000 extra dollars in your pocket for your next assignment! We tell you exactly how much to negotiate for with real data to show your recruiter.  

More ways we can help

Get matched with a vetted recruiter you can trust

Vetted recruiters who have the jobs, benefits, and personality you want. It’s free and completely risk free!

Compare open jobs from multiple agencies

Save hours of searching online. Find the highest paying jobs in your speciality and preferred locations in seconds!

Create a custom job alert for your preferred locations

Know when new jobs are posted in your preferred locations, and how much money you can make there.

Compare your pay to other travel therapists in your specialty, state, and setting

Know when jobs are posted and how much they pay in your preferred locations and settings

Track which states and settings have the most jobs and highest pay for your specialty

Compare therapy licensure timelines, costs, renewal details, and more

Learn how to establish and maintain your tax home to qualify for tax free stipends

Affordable coverage for healthcare travelers that you can take from agency to agency