
Hire your next therapist with Nomadicare

Over 20,000 therapists use Nomadicare every month to find their travel, permanent, and per diem jobs! For over 10 years we've help employers from the largest staffing agencies to smallest clinics hire therapists faster, retain them longer, and reduce hiring costs. Fill out this form and let's see if we're a great fit for each other!

What best describes your company?
Which type of therapists are you looking to hire? (Select all that apply)
What settings are you hiring for? (Select all that apply)
What type of role are you hiring for? (Select all that apply)

Compare your pay to other travelers and see if you’re getting paid fair

Know when jobs are posted and how much they pay in your preferred locations and settings

Discover which states and settings have the most jobs and highest pay for your specialty

Understand how tax homes work and how to qualify for tax free money

Compare therapy licensure timelines, costs, renewal details, and more

Learn about travel therapy, avoid common mistakes, and see if travel right for you