“Not goodbye, just see ya later” travel allied health recruiter template

You did it! You finally landed that dream job that you’ve been so patiently waiting for. But now you have to break the news to your other travel allied health recruiters. Recruiters who have been hustling for you, who you’ve grown to really like and appreciate. So what do you say to these awesome recruiters? No worries, allied health traveler! As always, Nomadicare has your back. (Because communication is our favorite)

Just copy and paste 👇‍

Hey (Your Recruiters Name),

I just wanted to first say thank you so much for all the hard work and time you’ve put into me as I searched for my next stop on this travel journey. You made me feel listened to and were always so quick to help. Recruiters like you make this whole experience so fun!

As always, it’s my top priority to be a great traveler for you to work with. So I will always try to communicate with openness and honesty.

So to update you on this job search, I have found an awesome job that I am thrilled with, it is just with a different company this time.

In about two months we should touch base on where my next travel allied health adventure will be! Hopefully, then we will have another chance to work together.

Wishing you all the best. Stay in touch!

In gratitude,

(Your Name)

That’s it! Cheers to open and honest relationships!

Picture of Laura Latimer

Laura Latimer

Travel OT and Founder of Nomadicare

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Affordable coverage for healthcare travelers that you can take from agency to agency